Positive Outcomes

Post 16

Domiciliary Care

Full Time College enrolment and qualifications gained
An instant and significant improvement in a service user's wellbeing was evident after Progression Care supported them to move to more suitable accommodation to meet their social needs and introduced additional activity care calls.
Part / full time work, including a Flight Attendant and Bus Driver
The spouse of a service user being supported with a Take A Break service by Progression Care was initially reluctant and nervous to receive support. After recognising the benefits to their own wellbeing by having this break, additional daily care hours were requested.
Passed CBT and CSCS qualifications
Progression Care staff have supported a service user to access the community regularly, as well as access health services, recreational activities and purchase a phone, after being significantly isolated for many years.
Passed Driving Test along with purchasing their first car
Through having consistent care staff who understood the needs and goals of a service user recovering from a life threatening illness, the service user had the confidence and motivation to regain full independence. They later ended their care package with PCL as they no longer required any support.
Left our services to move onto University
The spouse of a Take A Break service user was initially concerned about leaving the service user with others, due to their increasing need for support and challenging behaviours. Their spouse is now confident that the service user is safe and content with care staff and has stated that they do not know what they would do without the support from Progression Care.
Left our services to move back into their family environment, including gaining full custody of their child
Moved onto independent living
Progression Care Ltd Local Councils We Work With
Progression Care Ltd Registration number: 2760426